Craziness Prevention
Introduction -
by Christina Sponias
Dreams can be interpreted in many ways, and all the ways can be right, because a dream is a trip to another level of conscience, where things are symbolic. A symbol defines many things and can be interpreted in many ways, but when we understand the symbolic language in depth we can see the difference between the popular interpretation of dreams and the scientific interpretation. The resulting interpretation is completely different, because the scientific interpretation works like psychotherapy, in that the wise unconscious part of our psychic sphere shows us in our dreams everything we need, so that we will be able to see our mistakes and how we can correct them. The scientific interpretation of dreams according to Carl Jung’s method is a psychotherapy that never fails because it is an exact translation of the dreams’ meaning. It is the best translation of the symbolic language used by the unconscious to show to the stupid human conscience the poisonous influence of its wild side. This translation results in deep healing because it explains to the ignorant conscience the real meaning of life.
This ebook took 19 years to complete, from the original Greek version in 1988 to the final English version in 2007, due to the subject’s complexity. Craziness Prevention will teach you: • how to prevent craziness and maintain a safe distance from this danger • how to help the unconscious part of your dream producing psychical sphere cure your neuroses and depression • how to acquire psychical health and maintain it • how to interpret your dreams, the facts and events of the objective reality you live in, acquiring additional information on this reality and its future development • what content emanates from the unknown region of the human psychical sphere • what provokes craziness • how humanity can eliminate terror and find peace Contents:
1. Introduction: An introduction to my work and how I pursued Carl Jung’s research through dream decoding
2. The Beginning: Your first contact with dream decoding
3. Knowledge: Scientific evidence that confirms my statements
4. Craziness and Symbolism: My experience with craziness and how to interpret symbols
5. The Danger: The danger that exists in research of the unknown region and in ignoring its content
6. Dream Interpretation: How to interpret a dream by translating its symbolic language
7. Dream Psychotherapy: Definition of the attitude you must have in order to be cured and transformed through dream interpretation
8. My Work: Detailed outline of my work, my methods, my purpose and responsibility
9. Psychological Types: A summary of Carl Jung’s work on the main psychological types, my conclusions based on this presentation and my advice.
10. Common Themes: A glossary with the principal symbols that appear in dreams
11. Protect Yourself from your Worst Enemy: What you should fear in life and how to protect yourself from it
12. My example: Through my own example, I show you how to interpret your dreams and the importance of this exercise for your mental stability and happiness.
13. Nervousness, Anger and Hate: The definition of nervousness and what to do to calm down
14. The truth: The unknown content of the human psychical sphere and how humanity can eliminate terror and violence from its world to find peace.
Life and death both have specific meanings. Nothing happens without meaning, and in the correct translation of the dreams’ symbolic messages we can find answers for all our doubts. Our psychic sphere comprises three parts: the conscience (the human conscience we know), the anti-conscience (the wild and evil part of us we ignore), and the unconscious (the wise and saint part that is not a part of our conscience). The evil anti-conscience is always trying to destroy the tiny human conscience in order to take its place and control the person’s behaviour. On the other hand, the unconscious is always trying to save the human conscience from the attacks of the anti-conscience and to develop it to its maximum potential through consciousness. Carl Jung himself admitted that the unconscious is always perfectly right, but he was afraid to obey its directions, since he did not distinguish the wild side of human conscience from the unconscious part. He thought that the wild side of our psychic sphere belonged to the wise unconscious, even though there was a vast difference. The scientific research done by Konrand Lorenz, after Jung’s death, gave me all the proof I needed to feel I could trust the unconscious part, in opposition to Jung’s opinion. It was a very dangerous decision, according to what he believed, but Lorenz showed me clearly in his book “Behind the Mirror” that all nature functions according to very well prepared programs, especially animal behavior. Human behavior is no exception to these rules. So, a very wise brain has to prepare all of its internal programs to harmonise with all of nature in order to guarantee the survival of all forms of life. This wise brain is the same one that gives us wise directions and counsel in our dreams.
Although Jung could see many things, there were things he couldn’t see that would have explained to him the difference between the programs made by the wise unconscious and the programs made by the evil anti-conscience that provokes craziness in the human conscience. The power of the anti-conscience is equal to the power of the wise unconscious, which means that evil and good have exactly the same power. Jung was very afraid of craziness, and he was right to be afraid, because a human being cannot deal with an evil anti-conscience that has such tremendous power. It is only when we are connected to our wise unconscious that we can overcome craziness, without losing our human conscience. Konrand Lorenz’s work showed me that the wild human behaviour is part of our learning mechanism and belongs to our nature. So, our nature is different from the nature of the wise unconscious. That means that we are, by nature, evil, and our wise and saintly unconscious self tries to correct our violent behaviour. So, when we interpret a dream according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung and continued by me, we have the possibility of achieving psychic health, physical health, and wisdom. We learn how to cooperate with the unconscious part that is trying to transform our wild tendencies and we learn how to guarantee our health. That is of true and profound importance! The interpretation of the dream becomes a map of the place where we are, and through the dream we start seeing many things that we didn’t even imagine existed. We learn from the interpretation how to protect ourselves from the evil influence of the other side of our conscience and how we can always be balanced and calm.
Jung stops his research at the point where he ends the trip inside his soul and accepts ignorance beyond that point. Even if someone followed Jung’s steps exactly and stops at the same point, he will reap many benefits. It’s not absolutely necessary to continue the trip, unless the unconscious of the individual encourages them to do so. What I discovered continuing Jung’s research doesn’t deny any of Jung’s concepts until we reach that point where he stopped his research. For some people, however, the trip has to continue because they have serious problems. That’s when we can see clearly the power of the wild anti-conscience. Some people have an enormous tendency toward craziness, and they have to do a lot more in order to achieve psychical health. This was my case. I didn’t have any other solution, but to continue the research, since I was still too far from peace when I finished my first trip to the unknown side of my psychic sphere.
In the strange romance I wrote after the car accident I suffered when I was fifteen years old, my unconscious showed me, through my own literature, what my psychic disease was. I had to deal with schizophrenia. Other people have to do the same, so they cannot stop at the point where Jung accepts ignorance. Of course, he had to stop because he couldn’t guarantee to anyone that their human conscience would not be destroyed by the unknown part of our psychic sphere. I can guarantee that though because I found proof for God’s existence. The advantage to this is that all existent religions can give us a safe harbour, so that the wild and evil anti-conscience won’t steal from us our human conscience. At this point, a person has to be religious and philosophical. A scientist wouldn’t be able to continue the fight against the evil side of our conscience, because he wouldn’t agree to follow the religious directions. But, fighting with a monster, we need to have clearly in our minds a deep and secure belief in goodness. That’s simply the only way we can keep our human conscience. That’s where we have to have clearly in mind an understanding of what constitutes our philosophical belief. What has the most importance in life? Of course, we all tend to answer “happiness,” but first of all, we have to find peace. Nothing is more important than peace, which is opposite to the evil side of our soul which is completely violent. With the scientific interpretation of dreams we learn how to be patient, forgive our enemies, always be calm and wise, and other values despised by our cruel and indifferent society.
When we use the scientific interpretation of dreams we learn to give importance to philosophy, religion, and art. We begin to see the real meaning of our existence and how we can keep goodness close to us and always be at peace. But most importantly, using the scientific interpretation of dreams enables us to be cured of any disease, physical or psychological, using the best psychiatrist and psychologist we could ever find: the unconscious, which produces our dreams. As I have shown in my research, we will certainly be cured and also be able to cure others after learning Jung’s method of dream interpretation and after learning why the unconscious sends us dreams, if we’ll follow the directions of the unconscious in our dreams.
Christina Sponias Chatzidimou
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
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