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Monday, October 8, 2007
David Blaine's Mega Magic
The Secrets of David Blane Revealed...
by Lance Lines
**Price...only 3.00 $
- Card Tricks
- Coin Tricks
- Bar Magic
- Street Magic
- Mind Reader
- Levitation
- Optical Illusions
Table of contents:
Card Tricks2 of a Kind 49er Fools Gold Ace Party All The Aces Any Way You Count 'Em Assistance Needed Best Friends Build The Houses Card Transposition Count Down Cut To It Deck Predictor Double Turnover Easy Pick ESP Find The Card The Hard Way 4 Friendly Kings A Poker Player's Picnic After Drinks Amazing Ace stopper Appearing Card Back Flip Bottoms Up Calling the Shots Chased Criss Cross Cutting the Aces Do It Yourself Discovery Easy Eights Eight Threatening Kings Find Card The Easy Way Fool-Proof Reversed Card Four in a Row Four Kingdoms Gemini Twins Gladlock the Great Knows All Haphazard Cards I Can’t Believe They Don’t Get It! In My Pocket Keith's Trick Liar, Liar Magic Breath Magic Magnets Colour Separation Magic Pockets Magical Cut Math-magic Mental Thought Mind Reader II Four Islands From Here To There Get Money Half and Half Housing Suits Impossible Card Location Kathy's Prediction Kings Robbery Lucky 13 Magic Flick of a Finger Magic Partner Magic Riffle Math is Beautiful Memory Ace's Mind Reader Mirror Image Mongolian Clock Nice and Easy Not Your Card Obedient Colours On Tap Opposite Decks Pair 'em Up... Pick For Me Poker Trial Psychic Prediction Quick Flip Reverse The Card Seven Detectives Slap Happy Spelling Bee Stop Now Mystery Ten No I got it Number's Game O'Henry Trick Opnick's Dozen Order Please Paper and Predictions Pick-Up 52 Psychic Hotline Psychic Solution Re-appearing Aces Seb's Bottom Trick Sitting on the Card Spectator Performs a Trick Stack The Cards Switcheroo Telepathy The Bottom Card The Changing Card The Four 2's Jive The Hotel The Lazy Magician The Reappearing Combo The Similar Pair The Six Guessed Cards The Turn Around Card Trick The Year Game Think of a Card Three In A Row Turn Around Deck Was There Now It's Here Where's the Card? Teleporting Cards The Changing Ace The Enchanted Card The Four Ace Extravaganzas The Jack's Party The Magnetic Cards The Self-Arranging Deck The Sisters Trick The Sun The Wizard Takes a Holiday Think About It Three Card Match Triple Threat Vanishing Card What's on Your Mind? Who's The Magician?
Coin TricksVanishing Quarter Easy Coin Vanish Minus Your Money Swindled Coin Handkerchief And Coin Trick Palm Penetration Coin Bite French Drop! Coin to Biscuit Silk Handkerchief from Money Hopping Quarter Coin in Wool Double Sided Coin The DeManche Change Falling Quarter
Bar MagicAnti Gravity Beer Everlasting Ash Liquor Switch Penetrating ashes trick Coin Island The Bar Balance Psychic Dice Eye Popper
Street MagicFly Resurrection Coin Bite And Restored Coin Cough, Cough Coin Vanish Card In Bottle Cigarette Through The Coin Trick Ace Shake Voodoo Ash Two Card Monte Twisting Arm Illusion Psycho Kinetic Time Card Through Window Paul Xenon Tax Disc Removal Secret The Card Flick Revelation Mind ReaderLevitation SecretsBalducci Method David Blaine Method 10 Tips to perform the perfect Balducci Levitation Group Human Levitation Floating Bill And Small Objects Levitation Kundalini Rising Card Trick Andruzzi Ascending Optical Illusions
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David Blaine's Mega Magic
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Creating Wealth Through
Adventure with the...
Stan Grist System
Free Promo Ebook
by Stan Grist
Stan Grist's resources for gold prospecting, metal detecting, treasure hunting and exploration stan grist .
If you didn't have to go to work everyday and could afford to travel anywhere in the world to discover gold, ancient treasure or a lost city, where would you want to go and what would you hunt for? Would you like to travel to exotic and remote locations while earning a fortune and having the time of your life? Would you like to learn all the unique, proven methods of a professional treasure hunter, prospector and explorer that are responsible for his greatest discoveries? You can leave the rat race behind, live a life of adventure and freedom plus earn a great living at the same time - I did and I will show you how to do it step by step! Would you love to live the life of Dirk Pitt? Aren't you tired of watching Indiana Jones reruns, wishing that you were living the adventures instead of Harrison Ford? Do you long to search for and find treasure, lost cities or fabulously rich gold deposits? Do you dream of finding Yamashita's Treasure in the Philippines, or The Treasure of Cocos Island near Panama? How about discovering The Lost Padre Mine in New Mexico or La Caverna del Oro in Colorado? Sounds awesome you think, but your reality is you are stuck wasting your life going to a job everyday that you perhaps even hate or that simply bores you to tears and you have no idea how to change this. Welcome to the club! You aren't alone. There are thousands of frustrated adventurers in the world, dreaming of escaping the Rat Race to live their dreams of exotic locations and rich discoveries of gold and treasure. Here's the good news: YOU really can create a lifestyle of adventure for YOURSELF, making the transition from a hobbyist or daydreamer to a professional while earning a great living at the same time. You can even choose to live a life of adventure full time or for several months a year.
stan grist
Just sit back and visualize yourself in this scenario: While digging through a used bookstore in a small town, you come across an old book published in the 1880's. The book describes the pioneer history of Montana and Wyoming. It is actually a compilation of stories as told to the author by family members of original settlers. In one of the stories, you come across the mention of an old Spanish mine discovered by a settler on his ranch in 1854. The story tells of Spanish markings carved into the rock near the mine entrance. The markings include a large cross and the word "ORO". With the information in the story, you are able to trace a couple of likely places where this mine was probably discovered over 150 years ago. You already have written reports of ancient Spanish activity in this general area in your personal archives. Using the Internet, you search for the descendents with the family name mentioned in the story. Bingo! You have a hit in a small community in southeast Montana. With all the corroborating photocopied information, maps, data, satellite photos, etc., you strike off in your mini-motorhome, armed with all the high-tech gear you may need to pinpoint the mine entrance. Once you arrive at your destination, you quickly locate the family in question, confirm the identity of their great-grandfather and obtain written permission to search their rather large property. They didn't even know about the discovery made by their relative. A two-day search results in the discovery of the mine entrance filled in by loose rocks and hidden by some thick growth. Sure enough, there is the cross and word "ORO" inscribed into the rock wall at the entrance! You found it! Would you like to live this exciting and adventurous lifestyle fulltime? Or, how would you like to be able to live like this for several months each year? Did you always believe that this is simply impossible for you to do? It's not at all… Like you, even though I was caught in the rat race many years ago, I always dreamed of hiking through remote jungles in search of lost cities and ancient treasure. I literally spent hours everyday, visualizing myself on expeditions all over South America. I discovered a lot of very cool things in those daydreams. It was fun being a famous explorer- in my daydreams. Finally, I resolved to actually start living those dreams of mine in real life. Slowly, I began venturing out, close to home at first and then further and further away. I met a lot of dead ends and dry holes, but I sure had fun searching. I'll never forget the feeling of finally finding my first 1-ounce gold nugget. And I'll never forget the adrenaline of finding a small pouch of gold coins from the 1849 gold rush times near Downieville, California. I was hooked. The recoveries began coming much faster and easier after I learned how to cut to the chase and not waste my time in low-potential, high-risk pursuits. I learned exactly what it takes to properly research a project and then go to the field for a fast recovery. I learned how to turn my discoveries into cash through several proven money making methods. This system of knowledge and experience is what pays the bills and gives you the freedom to live this incredible lifestyle full-time or part-time, whichever you prefer. My name is Stan Grist and it took me decades to figure out exactly how to achieve freedom and success while living an exciting life of adventure and discovery. Along the way, I've struggled long and hard to reach my goals and I nearly gave up many times. But my will to succeed eventually won out. Slowly and surely I kept on trying different methods and focused on the ones that brought me the best results. I learned how to dramatically increase my success rate in my adventures and discoveries while earning a great living at the same time. I'll show you exactly how I did it.
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If you have not yet heard of me, simply type "Stan Grist" into any Internet search engine and take a close look at your results. You'll see that I have been around for a long time. I'm regularly called a "Lucky Dog" by those who know me. Many of them have asked me how they can achieve the same lifestyle. I can honestly tell you that luck has nothing to do with my success; it has everything to do with my unique system. My message for you today is real, no-risk, long-term and is as completely dependable as the law of gravity. Believe me, it wasn't always, but now my life is great. I am a full-time professional explorer, prospector and treasure hunter. I live in a beautiful home on the side of a mountain with a 20-mile long view of the valley of Quito, Ecuador. Life is both exciting and peaceful here. The weather is spring-like every day of the year. The food is fresh and healthy. The sunny Pacific coast beach is a 4-hour drive to the west and the awesome Amazon Jungle is a 4-hour drive to the east. I live in "Explorer's Paradise". I don't tell you these things to brag. I only want to let you know that I can show you exactly how to achieve your own dreams of adventure and freedom, anywhere in the world. What's your dream discovery? My unique, proven system can teach you how to zero in and find it PLUS earn a great living with unlimited potential at the same time. You may feel skeptical at first and wonder how such a seemingly impossible transformation from your current situation to living your dreams could really happen for you. My answer to you is brief and simple: Let my past mistakes and tough years of "trial & error" be your shortcut to success. I have shared my time tested and proven methods in my personal system with several dozen people over the years. The results are always the same: my Creating Wealth Through Adventure System works successfully every single time.
professional explorer adventure
You will never find anything as unique and jam-packed with so many proven methods or truly valuable and specialized information anywhere else in the world. "CREATING WEALTH THROUGH ADVENTURE with the STAN GRIST SYSTEM 2006" literally covers dozens of unique and highly effective methods to help you achieve your dreams, below are just 12 of them: 1. Discover the secrets for unleashing the power of your subconscious mind to automatically prepare yourself for achieving your biggest goals almost effortlessly. (This was my last stumbling block in finally achieving my most important goals) 2. Learn the essential skill you must have: 80% of your success is achieved through research and only 20% in the field. Learn my Investigative Secrets to easily become an "EXPERT" on any subject, especially about where to find lost cities, hidden treasures and large gold nuggets. 3. Learn to "Properly Document Your Discoveries" of: Ancient Mysteries, Lost Cities, Unknown Historical Events, New Animal Species, Virgin Treasure Sites, Rich Gold Deposits, and much, much more. 4. Learn how to turn your "Properly Documented Discoveries" into PURE CASH in literally dozens of different ways FAST, including all you need to know about writing, photography, public speaking, movie making and more. 5. Learn where to go and how to find an ounce of gold each day with only $25 worth of equipment in a small backpack. The real gold is in knowing the "how and where". With this knowledge and experience, you are free to make regular withdrawals from your own gravel banks whenever you need some cash. 6. Learn where to go and how to find valuable: 1. Petrified wood, 2. Dinosaur bones, 3. Trilobites, 4. Ammonites, 5. Fossil Megalodon Shark's Teeth and 6. Meteorites 7. Learn how to turn these ancient treasures into Cash at the highest market prices with no involvement of middlemen wholesalers. You won't believe how much money these treasure are worth! (I found 2 or 3 fully-colored Ammonite Fossils per day, each worth more than $1,500) 8. Learn a simple, great, secret trick for discovering rich pockets of lost gold and diamond jewelry at the beach. Discovering only 1 rich pocket of jewelry per week will earn you a great lifestyle. (I used this trick on the beaches around Miami with amazing results) Once you understand to apply this secret technique, you can also use it to find gold nuggets in gold-bearing rivers as well. 9. Learn to create "royalty deals". This is one of the greatest ways to create a huge passive income that pays you while you do nothing, or better yet, while you work on new projects in fun, exotic places. I have included a complete copy of the actual Royalty Agreement that I signed on an alluvial gold discovery that I made which, after 5 years of testing, will soon be declared the largest commercial alluvial gold deposit ever discovered. 10. Learn to prospect and stake claims on large, precious metals deposits, which you can sell to large companies. These deposits are everywhere but they are completely hidden from the vast majority of people who don't know the secret signs to look for. 11. Learn to market your one-of-a-kind, adventure-related information directly to the public over the Internet. I sell hundreds of e-books and e-packages each month, usually while I sleep. This is an "auto-pilot" business that keeps your cash flowing in as you are out adventuring in exotic locations. This business is super-easy to set up for the non-technician once you know all the secrets that I finally figured out. 12. Learn how to make great money online without a product to sell. Don't have a product to sell on the Internet? No problem!
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eBook... click here
Friday, October 5, 2007
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10 Ways to Generate Traffic and Build Your List
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Introduction -
by Christina Sponias
Dreams can be interpreted in many ways, and all the ways can be right, because a dream is a trip to another level of conscience, where things are symbolic. A symbol defines many things and can be interpreted in many ways, but when we understand the symbolic language in depth we can see the difference between the popular interpretation of dreams and the scientific interpretation. The resulting interpretation is completely different, because the scientific interpretation works like psychotherapy, in that the wise unconscious part of our psychic sphere shows us in our dreams everything we need, so that we will be able to see our mistakes and how we can correct them. The scientific interpretation of dreams according to Carl Jung’s method is a psychotherapy that never fails because it is an exact translation of the dreams’ meaning. It is the best translation of the symbolic language used by the unconscious to show to the stupid human conscience the poisonous influence of its wild side. This translation results in deep healing because it explains to the ignorant conscience the real meaning of life.
This ebook took 19 years to complete, from the original Greek version in 1988 to the final English version in 2007, due to the subject’s complexity. Craziness Prevention will teach you: • how to prevent craziness and maintain a safe distance from this danger • how to help the unconscious part of your dream producing psychical sphere cure your neuroses and depression • how to acquire psychical health and maintain it • how to interpret your dreams, the facts and events of the objective reality you live in, acquiring additional information on this reality and its future development • what content emanates from the unknown region of the human psychical sphere • what provokes craziness • how humanity can eliminate terror and find peace Contents:
1. Introduction: An introduction to my work and how I pursued Carl Jung’s research through dream decoding
2. The Beginning: Your first contact with dream decoding
3. Knowledge: Scientific evidence that confirms my statements
4. Craziness and Symbolism: My experience with craziness and how to interpret symbols
5. The Danger: The danger that exists in research of the unknown region and in ignoring its content
6. Dream Interpretation: How to interpret a dream by translating its symbolic language
7. Dream Psychotherapy: Definition of the attitude you must have in order to be cured and transformed through dream interpretation
8. My Work: Detailed outline of my work, my methods, my purpose and responsibility
9. Psychological Types: A summary of Carl Jung’s work on the main psychological types, my conclusions based on this presentation and my advice.
10. Common Themes: A glossary with the principal symbols that appear in dreams
11. Protect Yourself from your Worst Enemy: What you should fear in life and how to protect yourself from it
12. My example: Through my own example, I show you how to interpret your dreams and the importance of this exercise for your mental stability and happiness.
13. Nervousness, Anger and Hate: The definition of nervousness and what to do to calm down
14. The truth: The unknown content of the human psychical sphere and how humanity can eliminate terror and violence from its world to find peace.
Life and death both have specific meanings. Nothing happens without meaning, and in the correct translation of the dreams’ symbolic messages we can find answers for all our doubts. Our psychic sphere comprises three parts: the conscience (the human conscience we know), the anti-conscience (the wild and evil part of us we ignore), and the unconscious (the wise and saint part that is not a part of our conscience). The evil anti-conscience is always trying to destroy the tiny human conscience in order to take its place and control the person’s behaviour. On the other hand, the unconscious is always trying to save the human conscience from the attacks of the anti-conscience and to develop it to its maximum potential through consciousness. Carl Jung himself admitted that the unconscious is always perfectly right, but he was afraid to obey its directions, since he did not distinguish the wild side of human conscience from the unconscious part. He thought that the wild side of our psychic sphere belonged to the wise unconscious, even though there was a vast difference. The scientific research done by Konrand Lorenz, after Jung’s death, gave me all the proof I needed to feel I could trust the unconscious part, in opposition to Jung’s opinion. It was a very dangerous decision, according to what he believed, but Lorenz showed me clearly in his book “Behind the Mirror” that all nature functions according to very well prepared programs, especially animal behavior. Human behavior is no exception to these rules. So, a very wise brain has to prepare all of its internal programs to harmonise with all of nature in order to guarantee the survival of all forms of life. This wise brain is the same one that gives us wise directions and counsel in our dreams.
Although Jung could see many things, there were things he couldn’t see that would have explained to him the difference between the programs made by the wise unconscious and the programs made by the evil anti-conscience that provokes craziness in the human conscience. The power of the anti-conscience is equal to the power of the wise unconscious, which means that evil and good have exactly the same power. Jung was very afraid of craziness, and he was right to be afraid, because a human being cannot deal with an evil anti-conscience that has such tremendous power. It is only when we are connected to our wise unconscious that we can overcome craziness, without losing our human conscience. Konrand Lorenz’s work showed me that the wild human behaviour is part of our learning mechanism and belongs to our nature. So, our nature is different from the nature of the wise unconscious. That means that we are, by nature, evil, and our wise and saintly unconscious self tries to correct our violent behaviour. So, when we interpret a dream according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung and continued by me, we have the possibility of achieving psychic health, physical health, and wisdom. We learn how to cooperate with the unconscious part that is trying to transform our wild tendencies and we learn how to guarantee our health. That is of true and profound importance! The interpretation of the dream becomes a map of the place where we are, and through the dream we start seeing many things that we didn’t even imagine existed. We learn from the interpretation how to protect ourselves from the evil influence of the other side of our conscience and how we can always be balanced and calm.
Jung stops his research at the point where he ends the trip inside his soul and accepts ignorance beyond that point. Even if someone followed Jung’s steps exactly and stops at the same point, he will reap many benefits. It’s not absolutely necessary to continue the trip, unless the unconscious of the individual encourages them to do so. What I discovered continuing Jung’s research doesn’t deny any of Jung’s concepts until we reach that point where he stopped his research. For some people, however, the trip has to continue because they have serious problems. That’s when we can see clearly the power of the wild anti-conscience. Some people have an enormous tendency toward craziness, and they have to do a lot more in order to achieve psychical health. This was my case. I didn’t have any other solution, but to continue the research, since I was still too far from peace when I finished my first trip to the unknown side of my psychic sphere.
In the strange romance I wrote after the car accident I suffered when I was fifteen years old, my unconscious showed me, through my own literature, what my psychic disease was. I had to deal with schizophrenia. Other people have to do the same, so they cannot stop at the point where Jung accepts ignorance. Of course, he had to stop because he couldn’t guarantee to anyone that their human conscience would not be destroyed by the unknown part of our psychic sphere. I can guarantee that though because I found proof for God’s existence. The advantage to this is that all existent religions can give us a safe harbour, so that the wild and evil anti-conscience won’t steal from us our human conscience. At this point, a person has to be religious and philosophical. A scientist wouldn’t be able to continue the fight against the evil side of our conscience, because he wouldn’t agree to follow the religious directions. But, fighting with a monster, we need to have clearly in our minds a deep and secure belief in goodness. That’s simply the only way we can keep our human conscience. That’s where we have to have clearly in mind an understanding of what constitutes our philosophical belief. What has the most importance in life? Of course, we all tend to answer “happiness,” but first of all, we have to find peace. Nothing is more important than peace, which is opposite to the evil side of our soul which is completely violent. With the scientific interpretation of dreams we learn how to be patient, forgive our enemies, always be calm and wise, and other values despised by our cruel and indifferent society.
When we use the scientific interpretation of dreams we learn to give importance to philosophy, religion, and art. We begin to see the real meaning of our existence and how we can keep goodness close to us and always be at peace. But most importantly, using the scientific interpretation of dreams enables us to be cured of any disease, physical or psychological, using the best psychiatrist and psychologist we could ever find: the unconscious, which produces our dreams. As I have shown in my research, we will certainly be cured and also be able to cure others after learning Jung’s method of dream interpretation and after learning why the unconscious sends us dreams, if we’ll follow the directions of the unconscious in our dreams.
Christina Sponias Chatzidimou
You can See this eBook ...and more by Clicking on....Psychology ebooks.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
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* Delicious Italian dishes
.....(Collection of 185 Italian recipes)
......by W. G. Water
Italian Sauces
As the three chief foundation sauces in cookery, Espagnole or brown
sauce, Velute or white sauce, and Bechamel, are alluded to so often
in these pages, it will be well to give simple Italian recipes for
Australian wines may be used in all recipes where wine is
mentioned: Harvest Burgundy for red, and Chasselas for Chablis.
No. 1. Espagnole, or Brown Sauce
The chief ingredient of this useful sauce is good stock, to which
add any remnants and bones of fowl or game. Butter the bottom of a
stewpan with at least two ounces of butter, and in it put slices of
lean veal, ham, bacon, cuttings of beef, fowl, or game trimmings,
three peppercorns, mushroom trimmings, a tomato, a carrot and a
turnip cut up, an onion stuck with two cloves, a bay leaf, a sprig
of thyme, parsley and marjoram. Put the lid on the stewpan and
braize well for fifteen minutes, then stir in a tablespoonful of
flour, and pour in a quarter pint of good boiling stock and boil
very gently for fifteen minutes, then strain through a tamis, skim
off all the grease, pour the sauce into an earthenware vessel, and
let it get cold. If it is not rich enough, add a little Liebig or
glaze. Pass through a sieve again before using.
No. 2. Velute Sauce
The same as above, but use white stock, no beef, and only
pheasant or fowl trimmings, button mushrooms, cream instead of
glaze, and a chopped shallot.
Italian Soups
No. 1. Clear Soup
Ingredients: Stock meat, water, a bunch of herbs (thyme, parsley,
chervil, bay leaf, basil, marjoram), three carrots, three turnips,
three onions, three cloves stuck in the onions, one blade of mace.
Cut up three pounds of stock meat small and put it in a stock pot
with two quarts of cold water, three carrots, and three turnips cut
up, three onions with a clove stuck in each one, a bunch of herbs
and a blade of mace. Let it come to the boil and then draw it off,
at once skim off all the scum, and keep it gently simmering, and
occasionally add two or three tablespoonsful of cold water. Let it
simmer all day, and then strain it through a fine cloth.
Some of the liquor in which a calf's head has been cooked, or even
a calf's foot, will greatly improve a clear soup.
The stock should never be allowed to boil as long as the meat and
vegetables are in the stock pot.
Italian Sauces
1. Espagnole or Brown Sauce.
2. Velute Sauce.
3. Bechamel Sauce.
4. Mirepoix Sauce
5. Genoese Sauce.
6. Italian Sauce.
7. Ham Sauce (Salsa di Prosciutto)
8. Tarragon Sauce.
9. Tomato Sauce.
10. Tomato Sauce Piquante.
11. Mushroom Sauce.
12. Neapolitan Sauce.
13. Neapolitan Anchovy Sauce.
14. Roman Sauce (Salsa Agro-dolce)
15. Roman Sauce (another)
16. Supreme Sauce.
17. Pasta marinate (for masking Italian Frys)
18. White Villeroy.
Modern Italian Sauces
1. Fish Sauce.
2. Sauce Piquante (for Meat, Fowl, Game, Rabbit)
3. Sauce for Venison, Hare
4. Tomato Sauce Piquante.
5. Sauce for Roast Pork, Ham etc.
6. For masking Cutlets
Italian Soups
1. Clear Soup.
2. Zuppa Primaverile (Spring Soup)
3. Soup alla Lombarda.
4. Tuscan Soup.
5. Venetian Soup.
6. Roman Soup.
7. Soup alla Nazionale.
8. Soup alla Modanese.
9. Crotopo Soup.
10. Soup all'Imperatrice.
11. Neapolitan Soup.
12. Soup with Risotto.
13. Soup alla Canavese.
14. Soup alla Maria l'ia.
15. Zuppa d'Erbe (Lettuce Soup).
16. Zuppa Regina di Riso (Queen's soup).
Italian Minestre
1. A Condiment for Seasoning Minestre.
2. Minestra alla Casalinga.
3. Minestra of Rice and Turnips.
4. Minestra alla Capucina.
5. Minestra of Semolina.
6. Minestrone alla Milanese.
7. Minestra of Rice and Cabbage.
8. Minestra of Rice and Celery.
9. Anguilla alla Milanese (Eels)
10. Filletti di Pesce alla Villeroy (Fillets of Fish)
11. Astachi all'Italiana (Lobster).
12. Baccala alla Giardiniera (Cod)
13. Triglie alla Marinara (Mullet)
14. Mullet alla Tolosa.
15. Mullet alla Triestina.
16. Whiting alla Genovese.
17. Merluzzo in Bianco (Cod).
18. Merluzzo in Salamoia (Cod)
19. Baccala in Istufato (Haddock)
20. Naselli con Piselli (Whiting).
21. Ostriche alla Livornese (Oysters)
22. Ostriche alla Napolitana (Oysters).
23. Ostriche alla Neneziana (Oysters)
24. Pesci diversi alla Casalinga (Fish).
25. Pesce alla Genovese (Sole or Turbot)
26. Sogliole in Zimino (Sole)
27. Sogliole al tegame (Sole).
28. Sogliole alla Livornese (Sole)
29. Sogliole alla Veneziana (Sole).
30. Sogliole alla parmigiana (Sole)
31. Salmone alla Genovese (Salmon).
32. Salmone alla Perigo (Salmon)
33. Salmone alla giardiniera (Salmon).
34. Salmone alla Farnese (Salmon)
35. Salmone alla Santa Fiorentina (Salmon).
36. Salmone alla Francesca (Salmon)
37. Fillets of Salmon in Papiliotte.
Beef, Mutton, Veal and Lamb
1. Manzo alla Certosina (Fillet of Beef)
2. Stufato alla Fiorentina (Stewed Beef).
3. Coscia di Manzo al Forno (Rump Steak)
4. Polpettine alla Salsa Piccante (Beef Olives).
5. Stufato alla Milanese (Stewed Beef)
6. Manzo Marinato Arrosto (Marinated Beef).
7. Manzo con sugo di Barbabietole (Fillet of Beef)
8. Manzo in Insalata (Marinated Beef).
9. Filetto di Bue con Pistacchi (Fillets of Beef with Pistacchios).
10. Scalopini di Rizo (Beef with Risotto)
11. Tenerumi alla Piemontese (Tendons of Veal).
12. Bragiuole di Vitello (Veal Cutlets)
13. Costolette alla Monza (Veal Cutlets).
14. Vitello alla Pellegrina (Breast of Veal)
15. Frittura Piccata al Marsala (Fillet of Veal).
16. Polpettine Distese (Veal Olives)
17. Coste di Vitello Imboracciate (Ribs of Veal).
18. Costolette di Montone alla Nizzarda (Mutton Cutlets).
19. Petto di Castrato all'Italiana (Breast of Mutton).
20. Petto di Castrato alla Salsa piccante (Breast of Mutton).
21. Tenerumi d' Agnello alla Villeroy (Tendons of Lamb).
22. Tenerumi d' Agnello alla Veneziana (Tendons of Lamb).
23. Costoletto d'Agnello alla Costanza (Lamb Cutlets).
Tongue, Sweetbread, Calf's Head and Liver
1. Timballo alla Romana.
2. Timballo alla Lombarda.
3. Lingua alla Visconti (Tongue).
4. Lingua di Manzo al Citriuoli (Tongue with Cucumber).
5. Lingue di Castrato alla Cuciniera (Sheep's Tongues).
6. Lingue di Vitello all'Italiana (Calves' Tongues)
7. Ateletti alla Sarda.
8. Ateletti alla Genovese.
9. Testa di Vitello alla Sorrentina (Calf's Head).
10. Testa di Vitello con Salsa Napoletana (Calf's head).
11. Testa di Vitello alla Pompadour (Calf's Head)
12. Testa di Vitello alla Sanseverino (Calf's Head).
13. Testa di Vitello in Frittata (Calf's Head)
14. Zampetti (Calves' Feet)
15. Bodini Marinati.
16. Animelle alla Parmegiana (Sweetbread)
17. Animelle in Cartoccio (Sweetbread).
18. Animelle all'Italiana (Sweetbread)
19. Animelle Lardellate (Sweetbread).
20. Sweetbreads and Mushrooms
21. Cervello in Filiserbe (Calf's Brains).
22. Cervello alla Milanese (Calf's Brains)
23. Cervello alla Villeroy (Calf's Brains).
24. Frittuta of Cervello (Calf's Brains)
25. Cervello alla Frittata Montano (Calf's Brains).
26. Marinata di Cervello alla Villeroy (Calf's Brains)
27. Minuta alla Milanese (Lamb's Sweetbread).
28. Animelle al Sapor di Targone (Lamb's Fry)
29. Fritto Misto alla Villeroy.
30. Fritto Misto alla Piemontese.
31. Minuta di Fegatini (Ragout of Fowls' Livers).
32. Minuta alla Visconti (Chickens' Livers)
33. Croutons alla Principessa.
34. Croutons alla Romana.
Fowl, Duck, Game, Hare and Rabbit
1. Soffiato di Cappone (Fowl Souffle)
2. Pollo alla Fiorentina (Chicken).
3. Pollo ali'Oliva (Chicken)
4. Pollo alla Villereccia (Chicken).
5. Pollo alla Cacciatora (Chicken)
6. Pollastro alla Lorenese (Fowl).
7. Pollastro in Fricassea al Burro (Fowl)
8. Pollastro in istufa di Pomidoro (Braized Fowl).
9. Cappone con Riso (Capon with Rice)
10. Dindo Arrosto alla Milanese (Roast Turkey).
11. Tacchinotto all'Istriona (Turkey Poult)
12. Fagiano alla Napoletana (Pheasant).
13. Fagiano alla Perigo (Pheasant)
14. Anitra Selvatica (Wild Duck).
15. Perniciotti alla Gastalda (Partridges)
16. Piccioni alla Diplomatica (Snipe).
17. Piccioni alla minute (Pigeons)
18. Piccioni in Ripieno (Stuffed Pigeons).
19. Lepre in istufato (Stewed Hare)
20. Lepre Agro-dolce (Hare).
21. Coniglio alla Provenzale (Rabbit)
22. Coniglio arrostito alla Corradino (Roast Rabbit).
23. Coniglio in salsa Piccante (Rabbit).
Italian Vegetable Dishes
1. Asparagi alla salsa Suprema (Asparagus)
2. Cavoli di Bruxelles alla Savoiarda (Brussels Sprouts).
3. Barbabietola alla Parmigiana (Beetroot)
4. Fave alla Savoiarda (Beans).
5. Verze alla Capuccina (Cabbage)
6. Cavoli fiori alla Lionese (Cauliflower).
7. Cavoli fiori fritti (Cauliflower)
8. Cauliflower alla Parmigiana.
9. Cavoli Fiori Ripieni.
10. Sedani alla l'armigiana (Celery)
11. Sedani Fritti all'Italiana (Celery).
12. Cetriuoli alla Parmigiana (Cucumber)
13. Cetriuoli alla Borghese (Cucumber).
14. Carote al sughillo (Carrots)
15. Carote e piselli alla panna (Carrots and peas).
16. Verze alla Certosina (Cabbage)
17. Lattughe al sugo (Lettuce).
18. Lattughe farcite alla Genovese (Lettuce)
19. Funghi cappelle infarcite (Stuffed Mushrooms).
20. Verdure miste (Macedoine of Vegetables)
21. Patate alla crema (Potatoes in cream).
22. Cestelline cli patate alla giardiniera (Potatoes).
23. Patate al Pomidoro (Potatoes with Tomato Sauce)
24. Spinaci alla Milanese (Spinach).
25. Insalata di patate (Potato salad)
26. Insalata alla Navarino (Salad).
27. Insalata di pomidoro (Tomato Salad)
28. Tartufi alla Dino (Truffles).
Macaroni, Rice, Polenta, All Other Italian Pastes
1. Macaroni with Tomatoes
2. Macaroni alla Casalinga.
3. Macaroni al Sughillo.
4. Macaroni alla Livornese.
5. Tagliarelle and Lobster.
6. Polenta.
7. Polenta Pasticciata.
8. Battuffoli.
9. Risotto all'Italiana.
10. Risotto alla Genoxese.
11. Risotto alla Spagnuola.
12. Risotto alla Capuccina.
13. Risotto alla Parigina.
14. Ravioli. 15. Ravioli alla Fiorentina.
16. Gnoechi alla Romana.
17. Gnoechi alla Lombarda.
18. Frittata di Riso (Savoury Rice Pancake).
Omelettes and Other Egg Dishes
1. Uova ai Tartufi (Eggs with Truffles)
2. Uova al Pomidoro (Eggs and Tomatoes).
3. Uova ripiene (Canapes of Egg)
4. Uova alla Fiorentina (Eggs).
5. Uova in fili (Egg Canapes)
6. Frittata di funghi (Mushroom Omelette).
7. Frittata eon Pomidoro (Tomato Omelette)
8. Frittata con Asparagi (Asparagus Omelette).
9. Frittata eon erbe (Omelette with Herbs)
10. Frittata Montata (Omelette Souffle').
11. Frittata di Proseiutto (Ham Omelette).
Italian Sweets and Cakes
1. Bodino off Semolina.
2. Crema rappresa (Coffee Cream).
3. Crema Montata alle Fragole (Strawberry Cream)
4. Croccante di Mandorle (Cream Nougat).
5. Crema tartara alla Caramella (Caramel Cream)
6. Cremona Cake.
7. Cake alla Tolentina.
8. Riso all'Imperatrice.
9. Amaretti leggier (Almond Cakes)
10.Cakes alla Livornese.
11. Genoese Pastry.
12. Zabajone.
13. Iced Zabajone.
14. Panforte di Siena (Sienese Hardbake).
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Your Perfect Lawn
You Deserve The Lawn Of Your Dreams
by Pauline Hodgkinson
Be The Envy Of Your Friends And Neighbours, Save Time,
Effort & Money When You Discover How To Create The Perfect Lawn.
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Dear Garden Owner.
In the next five minutes you will be reading acres of great gardener's secret tips, that have been put together to give you the ultimate guide book to creating a beautiful, problem free lawn. You'll discover amazing time savers that mean you can spend more time relaxing and entertaining in your garden rather than working in it.
It doesn't matter if you're a complete amateur, a budding enthusiast or a gardening professional I know you'll find lots of new ideas to create the perfect lawn.
". .This New book contains all the information you need to create a perfectly manicured lawn Just like the Pro's"
For the first time we are offering Pauline Hodgkinson's latest book 'Your Perfect Lawn' in digital format - this means you will be able to order it securely online and start reading in just minutes.
'Your Perfect Lawn' is an amazing book, many of those must do jobs you've been putting off will seem much less daunting and will take far less time. You'll refer back to it again and again as you build towards 'the green of your dreams'. It's like having a professional gardener to help every time you venture outside.
Your Perfect Lawn
It's Brand New!
Hundreds Of Easy To Follow Ideas, Tips and Shortcuts To Create The Perfect Lawn.
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Just Some Of The Topics Included:
- Sowing a New Lawn - Discover when and more importantly when not to sow seed and discover the professional gardener's biggest secret to establishing a healthy lawn the success of your lawn may even depend on the day you sow it..
- Advice on how to instantly mask areas that have become bare, weedy, or damaged..
- What month of the year you should commence feeding and weeding, which month is usually the best time for killing lawn weeds .
- Mowing - tips on how to achieve a 'bowling-green' finish and discover why
It is perfectly acceptable to leave the clippings on the lawn..
- How to prevent 'thatching' on your lawn with one quick and easy tip..
- How to install a modest-sized sod lawn in one day.
- One very simple way to aerate your lawn effortlessly..
- Weeds - The most common kinds and how to get rid of them fast..
Before you read the rest of this letter there's some really good news!
Because 'Your Perfect Lawn' is now available electronically there's no waiting for delivery, no postage costs to pay. You'll get book instantly.
It doesn't matter if it's 2pm or 2am you'll be reading 'Your Perfect Lawm' in less than five minutes from now. You can read it on your PC or print out handy sections to take into the garden with you. But because digital delivery has much lower distribution costs we can pass on the savings direct to you!
Here's a just a few more great ideas you'll find covered in 'Your Perfect Lawn'
How to choose the right grass seed
The easy way to lay turf
How to prepare the soil like the Pro's
How To properly level a site
How To rest the land
Fertilizing - How to make your own Autumn & Spring fertilizer
Get your lawn in shape for summer
Watering advice
Lawn feeding tips
Sowing Information
Work schedule for the Year (Tips for each month)
And amazingly you can identify problems with your lawn and soil based on the type of weeds you find. Weeds can be helpful indicators that will show you how to manage your soil in a more productive and less haphazard manner.
Information on all the following types of weed are listed:
Horse Nettle
Lamb's Quarters
Water Hemlock
Wild Carrot
Wild Strawberry
As you can see there’s so much useful knowledge in here -- you’ll be referring back to this work over and over again every year.
Just calculate the value of this great book: If you were going to try to find the same information elsewhere it would probably take several books and you'd still not have all the information that's included in 'Your Perfect Lawn'
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Your Top Twenty Gardening Tips
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We can't promise to keep our price this low much longer, but if you order now, it's still not too late to get:
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Your Perfect Lawn
Your Perfect Lawn
You Deserve The Lawn Of Your Dreams
by Pauline Hodgkinson
Be The Envy Of Your Friends And Neighbours, Save Time, Effort & Money When You Discover How To Create The Perfect Lawn.
what not to do with fertilizer
Dear Garden Owner.
In the next five minutes you will be reading acres of great gardener's secret tips, that have been put together to give you the ultimate guide book to creating a beautiful, problem free lawn. You'll discover amazing time savers that mean you can spend more time relaxing and entertaining in your garden rather than working in it.
It doesn't matter if you're a complete amateur, a budding enthusiast or a gardening professional I know you'll find lots of new ideas to create the perfect lawn.
". .This New book contains all the information you need to create a perfectly manicured lawn Just like the Pro's"
For the first time we are offering Pauline Hodgkinson's latest book 'Your Perfect Lawn' in digital format - this means you will be able to order it securely online and start reading in just minutes.
'Your Perfect Lawn' is an amazing book, many of those must do jobs you've been putting off will seem much less daunting and will take far less time. You'll refer back to it again and again as you build towards 'the green of your dreams'. It's like having a professional gardener to help every time you venture outside.
Your Perfect Lawn
It's Brand New!
Hundreds Of Easy To Follow Ideas, Tips and Shortcuts To Create The Perfect Lawn.
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Just Some Of The Topics Included:
- Sowing a New Lawn - Discover when and more importantly when not to sow seed and discover the professional gardener's biggest secret to establishing a healthy lawn the success of your lawn may even depend on the day you sow it..
- Advice on how to instantly mask areas that have become bare, weedy, or damaged..
- What month of the year you should commence feeding and weeding, which month is usually the best time for killing lawn weeds .
- Mowing - tips on how to achieve a 'bowling-green' finish and discover why
It is perfectly acceptable to leave the clippings on the lawn..
- How to prevent 'thatching' on your lawn with one quick and easy tip..
- How to install a modest-sized sod lawn in one day.
- One very simple way to aerate your lawn effortlessly..
- Weeds - The most common kinds and how to get rid of them fast..
Before you read the rest of this letter there's some really good news!
Because 'Your Perfect Lawn' is now available electronically there's no waiting for delivery, no postage costs to pay. You'll get book instantly.
It doesn't matter if it's 2pm or 2am you'll be reading 'Your Perfect Lawm' in less than five minutes from now. You can read it on your PC or print out handy sections to take into the garden with you. But because digital delivery has much lower distribution costs we can pass on the savings direct to you!
Here's a just a few more great ideas you'll find covered in 'Your Perfect Lawn'
How to choose the right grass seed
The easy way to lay turf
How to prepare the soil like the Pro's
How To properly level a site
How To rest the land
Fertilizing - How to make your own Autumn & Spring fertilizer
Get your lawn in shape for summer
Watering advice
Lawn feeding tips
Sowing Information
Work schedule for the Year (Tips for each month)
And amazingly you can identify problems with your lawn and soil based on the type of weeds you find. Weeds can be helpful indicators that will show you how to manage your soil in a more productive and less haphazard manner.
Information on all the following types of weed are listed:
Horse Nettle
Lamb's Quarters
Water Hemlock
Wild Carrot
Wild Strawberry
As you can see there’s so much useful knowledge in here -- you’ll be referring back to this work over and over again every year.
Just calculate the value of this great book: If you were going to try to find the same information elsewhere it would probably take several books and you'd still not have all the information that's included in 'Your Perfect Lawn'
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Your Top Twenty Gardening Tips
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The Power of PRIDE,
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Cats are a fascination for over half the people on earth.
A friend of mine spent a thousand dollars just to spend one night with baby tigers snuggled up close to her pillow. Others prefer lions for cuddle mates and a few would have nothing but a Jaguar for a bosom buddy. Scientists say that the same blood that flows in the veins of your common house cat gives life and power to the biggest tiger.
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First it was dogs. Then it was horses. After that came the cats of all kinds, colors and sizes. Mankind INSISTS on having pets. When I was a kid anything that moved of its own free will could become a pet. We even had pet Gila Monsters for a little while. When I got grown I went into high gear and was catching enough pets to keep all nine kids happy. We had a constant flow of gophers, rabbits, snakes and birds of all kinds. To my great regret I kept on catching burros too. Oh, I hate burros for a pet. But that doesn't matter. I'll catch anything trying to get away from me.
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That shiny stainless surface may look like a clean, sterile surface to you, but to a microbe it's a landscape littered with mountains and valleys with plenty of dark corners to hide in. The bad news is that one little microbe can turn into four million microbes inside of just eight hours. The plain fact is that YOUR KITCHEN needs your watchful eye to make it safe. Our FREE report will show you where to look, and what to look for. Click HERE.
ebook Secrets by Ken Silver, is a long book published back in 1999. The biggest fault I found with it is there are so many pieces of help in there that I stopped reading to go to work -- and never came back. I still haven't finished reading it although I've had it a year or so and have gone back to start over again several times. This is primarily for authors and writers wanting to produce their own books and projects with little or no cost investment. Ken does an excellent job of that
Life's Little Secrets by Gary A. Crow, Ph.D. All of Gary's other books (which were published conventionally) sell for up to $50 each, but this html version is yours for free.
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When the Jaredites left the tower of Babel they took Deseret with them. You can almost hear them chanting.. �We Want Honey! We Want Honey!�
What better way to have honey is there except to go in partners with a colony of bees to make your own special blend. The varieties are almost endless. Thirty years ago the Miles family living near Buckeye Arizona introduced me to the joys of having special blends of honey on hand. Their favorites were cotton honey, mesquite honey, alfalfa honey, pomegranate honey, and cottonwood honey.
When they opened a jar you could smell the blend. Spread it on a hot biscuit (made with hand cranked, freshly ground whole wheat, of course) you could flat out taste the cool sweet flavor of that blend. It was a lot of work. It was a lot of fun. It was a lot of flavor.
What brands you see on a shelf taste the same, jar after jar, but that�s because they dump all their honey into a huge vat and mix it. Before I met the Miles I would take any kind of honey available. If the label said HONEY, I grabbed it.
If I found a bee hive out in the desert I grabbed that kind of honey too. Wild bees make wild honey. You never know what kind of flavor you�ll end up with. Wild bees are kind of fierce and mean too. They think they own that honey and they�ll defend it to the death. That�s why honey hunters dress up like spacemen.
I�ll bet you can�t wait
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Building A Healthy Aquarium, by Lin Stone..
Let's face the facts first: There is no such thing as a "perfect" aquarium for your fish. Different pets have different needs, and even for animals of the same species, different breeds within the species have various physiological requirements that you'll need to cater to. Often though, adapting an aquarium to the specific needs of a type of fish is simply a matter of accessorizing once you're got the basic equipment down.
One of the first things you have to consider is the type of fish you'll be raising in the aquarium. There are subtle differences between a salt water and fresh water aquarium, so you have to buy one that's right for your fish. While fresh water aquariums are much more common and traditional, salt water aquariums are gaining in popularity due to people's wanting to raise unique brands of fish, and even go so far as to include live coral in their aquarium's decoration.
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A handbook for reporters, correspondents and free-lance writers who desire to contribute to popular magazines and the magazine sections of newspapers. As wonderful as this book is for writers and authors, I feel to commend it wholeheartedly to anyone wishing to read great work. The last half of the book is full of examples and it is those examples I draw your attention to.. the book is well worth your time do download. Click HERE for your copy.
Don't let your children be abducted... A workable plan you can implement immediately.
Cat Care Naturally.. What a terrific book. I loved it. Elizabeth Beresford takes us through every aspect of choosing the right cat for us and how to take good care of it. I was especially delighted with her description of how to give a house cat a bath. She made the encounter sound almost warm and friendly.
Not everyone should have a cat. Elizabeth goes into that question so you can determine for yourself if YOU are right for a cat.
Fourteen other subjects germane to cats are explored lightly but thoroughly. Grooming, flea control, neutering and vaccinations receive extra attention. I recommend the book to all cat lovers and those who wonder if they could love a cat.
Selling your car is not hard. In fact if you knew how to do it, you would never take your car to a dealer for a trade-in. This alone is costing you thousands. It's probably more work taking it to the dealer, by the time you have tried to negotiate with him and he has you against the wall. Dealers are professional buyers - they make their living giving you the lowest price they can get away with. The 90 Minute Car Salesman could be a life-saver for you.
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What we know as �Vitamins� have only been around since about the 1900�s. Before that time, foods on hand were the source for meeting vitamin needs. For example, Ascorbic acid (now known as vitamin C) was not identified as the reason citrus fruits helped prevent scurvy until the 20th century. However, trial and error had proven the value of both citrus fruit and green vegetables against scurvy, and Captain Cook applied ordered his men to eat fresh greens when available. If any of them refused, they were occasionally flogged. Capain Cook's voyage was the first long one to be distinguished by its success in losing no men to the dread disease.
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( Craft ideas on pets )
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MORE...click on Fun Craft Projects
1. A New Way to Use Old Snapshots
2. Wedding Favor Creator Unique Wedding Favor Ideas
3. Terra Cotta Birdbath
4. Sunny Day Window Shelf
5. Straw Hat Scarecrow Craft
6. Milkweed Pod Poinsettia Ornaments
7. How to Make a Girl’s Journal
8. Homemade Beaded Candles
9. Holiday Gift Wrapping
10. Heart Cut-Out Picture Frame
11. Handmade Mulberry Paper Card
12. Halloween Painted Rocks
13. Fun Decorations for the Holidays
14. French Style “Cafe” Sign
15. Fall Leaves Embossed Paper Bookmark
16. Easy Dried Apple Crafts
To Create An Apple Wreath
To Create An Apple Garland
To Create An Apple Stacker
17. Easy Autumn Wreath
18. Creative Chalk Art
19. How to Make Candles Using Old Crayons
Solid Candles
Scented Candles
20. Butterfly Candle Holders
21. Alphabet Blocks
22. Wood Scrap Snowmen
23. How to Air-Dry Flowers
24. Creative Costumes for Halloween
Tired Woman
Pizza Slice
Patch of Dandelions
Bubble Bath
Bag of Jelly Beans (or gumballs)
Table for One
Mr. Potato Head
King & Queen of Hearts
Grape Vine
A Highway
Laundry Basket
Static Cling
Punk rocker
paper projects for weddings
1. A New Way to Use Old Snapshots
If youre like me, you have hundreds of photographs sitting in envelopes, pictures from birthday parties, weddings, family gatherings, anniversaries, the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas. You have already put the best snapshots into albums and these are leftovers. You dont want to throw them away, but you also dont know what to do with them. Instead of letting your snapshots take up space and contribute to the clutter in your home, use them to make collages (at a cost of less than $10 each) that you can give as Christmas gifts to family and friends. Heres how:
1. Assess your collection of pictures. Do you have several dozen of your spouse or significant other? Your parents? Your children? Grandparents? A friend? A beloved pet? Decide which person would like to receive these pictures and divide them into groups accordingly.
2. Buy a picture frame with glass (either 5x7 or 8x1 0) for each collage you are going to make. Department stores sometimes have sales on picture frames, and you can often purchase a suitable frame for $5 or less.
3. Cut a sheet of paper (use cardstock, 24# paper or light cardboard) to match the size of the opening on the picture frame.
4. Cut out the background of the pictures, leaving just the people (or pets). Cut out enough pictures to cover the sheet of paper.
5. Arrange the cut-out pictures on the paper. Mix and match and experiment. Try placing the pictures at different angles.
6. After you have an idea of how you would like to arrange the pictures, glue them to the paper. (Check the label to make sure that you can use the glue with photographs.) Cover the entire sheet of paper with pictures.
7. When the glue is dry, insert the paper into the frame.
Collages are not only a good way to use your old snapshots, but the recipients also will cherish them for years to come as a special and thoughtful gift.
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